Ice Nixie

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Ice Nixies are magical creatures that dwell within the snow itself, manifesting when someone comes by. It is said that the Ice Nixies protect some magical treasure buried deep under the snow in Nualgiath Forest, and they will defend it fearsomely.


Name: Ice Nixie
Class: Magical
Level: 830


XP: 2,906 2,920
Attack: 3,796 3,954
Defense: 1,936 2,136
Armor: 1,991 2,167
Damage: 9,608 9,668
HP: 17,332 17,928
Gold: 288 312


Piercing Strike: 10 20
Nullify: 10 20


Amulet of Uhgura
Boots of Loweruia
Ice Fragment 1
Rune of Comorha
Shield of Geddriha


Nualgiath Forest (Ascent)
Nualgiath Forest (Summit)

Hunting Information

  Attack Defense Armor 1 Hit Dam. 2 Hit Dam. 3 Hit Dam. 4 Hit Dam. 5 Hit Dam. 6 Hit Dam.
Stats to Beat: 2,136 3,954 9,668 20,095 11,131 8,143 6,649 5,753 5,155
Target Stats: 2,361 4,371 10,687 22,098 12,190 8,888 7,236 6,246 5,585