Guild:The Knights Of Light

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The Knights of Light
Founded: January 2007
Founder(s): Torch
Leader(s): Torch, Genic
Allies: Dragon vs Tiger
Song of Nephilim
The Absinthe Army
The Druids Keep
The Iron Men
The Shadow Warriors
Enemies: None
Website: Guild Page
Fallensword Page: FS Guild Page
This page is a guild page. It is generally considered unethical to edit guild pages unless you are a member of that guild, or have permission from a member/leader of that guild.



the Knights of Light

Gather round children, and hear the tale,
of a legendary guild that cannot fail!

’tis bout a group called the Knights of Light,
a hardy bunch, that will win the fight.

And not just the battle, they'll end the war,
and do it with honour, dignity and more!

They fight not for glory, power or gold,
they fight instead, so that Truth can be told!

The Knights of Light will fight for whats right,
and fight for goodness, with all their might.

They carry a Torch, that seems just a spark,
but in times of need can beat back the dark!

So listen up evil, and listen good,
they’re lighting you up like fire wood

so best you pack up and leave this land,
here comes the guild with the Torch in their hand!



Promotions are based on special criteria.

  • Guild Founder - Founder and leader of the guild. Torch
  • Keeper of Truth - Second in command. Genic
  • Inner Council - Elected by the Council as a tactical group to manage most decisions regarding the guild:
  • Reserve Inner Council - Elected by the Inner Council as a supportive group for management of the guild: Leeavid, nimrod55, repo2000 and wizard3879


Requires 20 FSP donated, at least 30 days guild membership and to have joined 50 groups and buffed 50 people.

  • High Council - Requires 10 million contributed XP.
  • Council Lord - Requires 5 million contributed XP.
  • Council Elder - Requires 2,5 million contributed XP.
  • Council Member - Requires 1 million contributed XP.


Requires some FSP donated, at least 14 days guild membership and to have joined 20 groups and buffed 20 people.

  • Elder Guardian of Light - Requires 1 million contributed XP.
  • Guardian of Light - Requires 500'000 contributed XP.
  • Paladin - Requires 250'000 contributed XP.
  • Warder - Requires 100'000 contributed XP.


Requires at least 7 days guild membership and to have joined 10 groups or buffed 10 people.

  • Elder Disciple - Requires 1 million contributed XP.
  • Disciple - Requires 65'000 contributed XP.
  • Templar - Requires 40'000 contributed XP.
  • Knight - Requires 20'000 contributed XP.


  • Cavalier - Requires 10'000 contributed XP.
  • Ranger - Requires 2'000 contributed XP.
  • Squire - Rank at the beginning, when accepted into the guild.


  • Retired Knight - For those that have contributed a lot of time and effort to guild, but aren't active anymore. Honorary rank
  • MIA - lost but not forgotten - For those that have contributed 20 FSP and have been away more than seven days or have an authorised absence by telling the Council in advance. They will be safe until the Cows consider them inactive. (~30 days)
  • grow or go - For those consider inactive; either by being offline seven days or more (lower for squires) or not leveling once a week. These members need to play and contribute to the guild or otherwise they are eligible to be kicked.
  • In the Dungeon - For those that have broken the guild rules.


Name Level Name Level
Battle Totem 10 Blade Master 5
Health Shrine 10 Awareness Training 5
Armory 10 Training Room 10
Endurance Shrine 3 Blacksmith 4
Thieves Guild 2 Sustain Shrine 4
Weaponsmith 14 Crafters Workshop 4
Shrine of Pain 4 Military Advisor 1
Tranquil Retreat 10 Fury Shrine 5
Destructive Shrine 6 Guild Registrar 3
Protection Shrine 5 Preemptive Temple 3
Inventors Laboratory 10


Name Upgrades/Limit
+1 Max Ranks 26/200
+1 Max Members 116/116
+1 Max Structures 19/100
+1 Guild Store Slot 53/500
+20 History Characters 5/250
+1 Max Mercenaries 0/2
+1 Max Members per Group 8/50
+1 Captured Relics 1/5
Enable Guild Item Tagging 1/1
+1% Allowable Tax Rate 25/25
Enable Guild Advisor 1/1

Guild Item Sets

These are the full sets we have for our members to use. FF means that all pieces are fully hellforged.

Genic 16:58 090413 (CET)