Grey Back

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Grey Backs are large Bear like monsters that live in the cold climes hunting Oxen and whatever else the can catch. The Sherpan people who live at the base of Myral hold these creatures to be sacred to their god of the mountain.


Name: Grey Back
Class: Beast
Level: 1343


XP: 6,494 7,024
Attack: 8,399 8,475
Defense: 7,884 8,036
Armor: 8,144 8,296
Damage: 9,688 9,824
HP: 40,960 41,540
Gold: 258 342


Piercing Strike: 15 22
Reinforced Armor: 18 23
Critical Hit: 8 22
Nullify: 20 33


Ethiorions Signet
Grey Bear Skin
Rengons Cuirass


Myral Peak (Icy Ridge)

Hunting Information

  Attack Defense Armor 1 Hit Dam. 2 Hit Dam. 3 Hit Dam. 4 Hit Dam. 5 Hit Dam. 6 Hit Dam.
Stats to Beat: 8,036 8,475 9,824 49,836 29,066 22,143 18,681 16,604 15,220
Target Stats: 8,883 9,368 10,859 54,650 31,693 24,041 20,215 17,919 16,389