Giant Scorpion Loader

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Skorpinoks use Giant Scorpions as beasts of burden, using them to carry the hauls of katadiamonds back to the burrow lair of the Skarius. The Giant scorpions also double as a fearsome presence in the mines and people work harder and faster around them so as not to catch the eye of one of these beasts and become a potential snack.


Name: Giant Scorpion Loader
Class: Beast
Level: 1388


XP: 6,688 7,752
Attack: 16,139 16,215
Defense: 898 1,054
Armor: 321 389
Damage: 17,894 18,088
HP: 42,460 42,740
Gold: 267 333


Piercing Strike: 12 35
Critical Hit: 12 35
Breaker: 10 30


Amulet of Darsendar
Ring of Bontaar


Skorpinok Mines (Deep Haul)

Hunting Information

  Attack Defense Armor 1 Hit Dam. 2 Hit Dam. 3 Hit Dam. 4 Hit Dam. 5 Hit Dam. 6 Hit Dam.
Stats to Beat: 1,054 16,215 18,088 43,129 21,759 14,636 11,074 8,937 7,513
Target Stats: 1,165 17,923 19,993 47,651 24,030 16,157 12,220 9,858 8,284