Farmane Leopard Seal

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The Farmane leopard Seal is large species of seal that has migrated to these waters now that they have become cold and frozen. Unfortunately for the seals there is not enough suitable prey in the waters at Farmane and many have taken to hunting anything they can catch along the shore.


Name: Farmane Leopard Seal
Class: Beast
Level: 878


XP: 3,076 3,086
Attack: 7,291 7,383
Defense: 2,632 2,798
Armor: 2,538 2,634
Damage: 5,953 6,043
HP: 18,385 18,891
Gold: 288 312


Reinforced Armor: 10 20
Dodge: 10 20


Amulet of Skurail
Armor of Heedil
Gloves of Reightar
Rune of Gabriol


Farmane Shore (Slopes)
Farmane Shore (Crags)

Hunting Information

  Attack Defense Armor 1 Hit Dam. 2 Hit Dam. 3 Hit Dam. 4 Hit Dam. 5 Hit Dam. 6 Hit Dam.
Stats to Beat: 2,798 7,383 6,043 21,525 12,080 8,931 7,357 6,413 5,783
Target Stats: 3,093 8,161 6,680 23,654 13,214 9,734 7,994 6,950 6,254