Dream Djinn

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The Dream Djinn are capable of giving one wish each to their owner but Koura was devious and captured 3 of these beings after searching over the deserts. After making selfish wishes for great wealth and power he used his last wish for all the Dream Djinn to remain as his bodyguard until the day he dies. From that day on Koura has been protected by these beings of great strength and power.


Name: Dream Djinn
Class: Magical
Level: 870


XP: 3,048 3,058
Attack: 5,195 5,255
Defense: 4,069 4,215
Armor: 7,182 7,300
Damage: 1,764 1,954
HP: 21,878 22,450
Gold: 287 313


Nullify: 10 20
Dodge: 10 20


Amulet of Sorifie
Rune of Offakle
Shield of Ploura
Weapon of Guiral


City of Elghast (Plaza)

Hunting Information

  Attack Defense Armor 1 Hit Dam. 2 Hit Dam. 3 Hit Dam. 4 Hit Dam. 5 Hit Dam. 6 Hit Dam.
Stats to Beat: 4,215 5,255 1,954 29,750 18,525 14,784 12,913 11,790 11,042
Target Stats: 4,659 5,809 2,160 32,501 20,094 15,959 13,891 12,650 11,823