Denarath Bahaka

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The Bahakas are demonic beings of the mountain wastes, dwelling in places one should never travel alone in. These horned beasts lie in wait for prey to enter their domains, dragging away those they catch to be devoured alive.


Name: Denarath Bahaka
Class: Demon
Level: 1826


XP: 11,782 13,212
Attack: 12,512 12,702
Defense: 12,658 12,730
Armor: 12,287 12,397
Damage: 14,455 14,511
HP: 72,866 73,092
Gold: 177 223


Piercing Strike: 20 30
Critical Hit: 20 30
First Strike: 20 40



Denarath Mountain (Descent)
Tayarog Valley (Orc Camp)

Hunting Information

  Attack Defense Armor 1 Hit Dam. 2 Hit Dam. 3 Hit Dam. 4 Hit Dam. 5 Hit Dam. 6 Hit Dam.
Stats to Beat: 12,730 12,702 14,511 85,489 48,943 36,761 30,670 27,016 24,579
Target Stats: 14,071 14,040 16,040 93,843 53,449 39,984 33,252 29,212 26,519