Deadaxe Orc

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The Deadaxe Orcs are a mercenary tribe that are now under the pay of Xerdes. Few men would ever have dealings with such dangerous greenskins but Xerdes knows the value of such troops and uses them as the spearhead of his army.


Name: Deadaxe Orc
Class: Greenskin
Level: 1257


XP: 5,809 6,033
Attack: 3,804 3,976
Defense: 292 352
Armor: 21,817 21,903
Damage: 6,086 6,216
HP: 38,384 38,956
Gold: 257 343


Piercing Strike: 5 20
Reinforced Armor: 15 20
Thievery: 18 20
Critical Hit: 16 20
Breaker: 10 20



Opyly Pass (Gorge)

Hunting Information

  Attack Defense Armor 1 Hit Dam. 2 Hit Dam. 3 Hit Dam. 4 Hit Dam. 5 Hit Dam. 6 Hit Dam.
Stats to Beat: 352 3,976 6,216 60,859 41,381 34,889 31,642 29,695 28,396
Target Stats: 390 4,395 6,871 66,122 44,593 37,417 33,829 31,676 30,241