Dark Sea King

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The Dark Sea Kings are raiders, murderers and slave takers of the coasts. These evil men are said to have been corrupted by dark powers and cast out from the Sea King settlement close by for crimes not even a Sea King would ever commit.


Name: Dark Sea King
Class: Human
Level: 1054


XP: 3,430 3,964
Attack: 7,587 7,673
Defense: 2,511 2,597
Armor: 2,868 2,986
Damage: 10,300 10,452
HP: 23,373 23,603
Gold: 292 308


Reinforced Armor: 10 20
Critical Hit: 40 50
Dodge: 20 25
Disarm: 20 25


Gloves of Ferdangi
Pendant of Gorbale


Vinder Berg (Shore)
Vinder Berg (Edge)

Hunting Information

  Attack Defense Armor 1 Hit Dam. 2 Hit Dam. 3 Hit Dam. 4 Hit Dam. 5 Hit Dam. 6 Hit Dam.
Stats to Beat: 2,597 7,673 10,452 26,589 14,788 10,854 8,887 7,707 6,920
Target Stats: 2,871 8,481 11,553 29,233 16,189 11,841 9,667 8,362 7,493