Clan Skuggii Juggernaut

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The Clan Skuggii are savage warriors from the cold lands of Scree. Many of the clan hire themselves out as mercenaries and have found a willing employer in the area. The Clans Juggernauts are titanic men of great power and have been sent to the valleys from the coast to police the area and destroy any intruders.


Name: Clan Skuggii Juggernaut
Class: Human
Level: 877


XP: 3,073 3,083
Attack: 3,840 3,892
Defense: 1,361 1,555
Armor: 6,842 7,010
Damage: 6,336 6,392
HP: 22,135 22,545
Gold: 264 336


Thievery: 10 20
Breaker: 10 20


Amulet of Ceriola
Shield of Masuita


Pelgarir Valley (Outskirts)

Hunting Information

  Attack Defense Armor 1 Hit Dam. 2 Hit Dam. 3 Hit Dam. 4 Hit Dam. 5 Hit Dam. 6 Hit Dam.
Stats to Beat: 1,555 3,892 6,392 29,555 18,283 14,525 12,647 11,519 10,768
Target Stats: 1,719 4,302 7,066 32,301 19,842 15,688 13,612 12,366 11,535