Blind Hag (Champion)

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The Blind Hags are a coven of witches that live deep in the Terror Forest. Although blind they can see through magical aids like crystal balls and other talismans they carry. The most senior Hags are in charge of what spells and potions are created and their ancient knowledge in such magic is great indeed.


Name: Blind Hag (Champion)
Class: Human
Rarity: Champion
Level: 1227


XP: 11,085 11,481
Attack: 4,809 4,919
Defense: 26,696 26,872
Armor: 340 492
Damage: 9,558 9,692
HP: 49,848 50,210
Gold: 242 358


Piercing Strike: 30 67
Critical Hit: 25 50
Breaker: 15 25
Nullify: 20 25
Disarm: 15 33


Amulet of Dorkarn
Eye of Dorkarn


Terror Forest (Central Deep)

Hunting Information

  Attack Defense Armor 1 Hit Dam. 2 Hit Dam. 3 Hit Dam. 4 Hit Dam. 5 Hit Dam. 6 Hit Dam.
Stats to Beat: 26,872 4,919 9,692 50,702 25,597 17,229 13,045 10,534 8,861
Target Stats: 29,702 5,437 10,713 56,016 28,267 19,018 14,393 11,618 9,768