Black Stag

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Deep in these dark forests live Black Deer, not unlike the Deer of other lands except their hide is as black as pitch. These Deer are as unwelcoming as their homeland and the male Stags do not hesitate when crossed with a threat, charging their foe down with their deadly sharp antlers.


Name: Black Stag
Class: Beast
Level: 1462


XP: 7,583 8,437
Attack: 4,126 4,288
Defense: 335 411
Armor: 24,732 24,838
Damage: 7,947 8,019
HP: 44,479 45,161
Gold: 274 326


Critical Hit: 20 50
Dodge: 20 50


Black Stag Carcass


Harnth Forest (Snarl)

Hunting Information

  Attack Defense Armor 1 Hit Dam. 2 Hit Dam. 3 Hit Dam. 4 Hit Dam. 5 Hit Dam. 6 Hit Dam.
Stats to Beat: 411 4,288 8,019 69,999 47,419 39,892 36,129 33,871 32,365
Target Stats: 455 4,740 8,864 76,071 51,113 42,794 38,634 36,138 34,474