Azlorie Head Hunter

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Azlorie Head Hunters are one of the warrior castes in the tribes of the Azlorie. The Head Hunters collect the heads of vanquished foes as part of their death cult religion.


Name: Azlorie Head Hunter
Class: Human
Level: 106


XP: 208 226
Attack: 470 500
Defense: 400 430
Armor: 350 390
Damage: 420 450
HP: 420 450
Gold: 96 116


Piercing Strike: 25 35
Critical Hit: 30 40


Armor of Gaulam
Gloves of Unaseer
Gold Idol
Shield of Belmaro


Enkmar Scrubland (East)
Enkmar Scrubland (North)
Enkmar Scrubland (South)
Enkmar Scrubland (West)
Saneri Rocks (North)

Hunting Information

  Attack Defense Armor 1 Hit Dam. 2 Hit Dam. 3 Hit Dam. 4 Hit Dam. 5 Hit Dam. 6 Hit Dam.
Stats to Beat: 430 500 450 840 615 540 503 480 465
Target Stats: 476 553 498 909 660 577 536 511 494