Athornt (Champion)

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The albino Athornts are large crayfish like crustaceans that live in this large underground lake. These creatures are blind and rely on their sensitive feelers to catch prey, which is usually anything not fast enough to escape its claws. Although it is rare, some Athornts grow old and their natural armor becomes thick and covered in horns and spikes. This makes an aged Athornt a hard enemy to crack.


Name: Athornt (Champion)
Class: Aquatic
Rarity: Champion
Level: 1337


XP: 12,518 14,276
Attack: 5,599 5,797
Defense: 415 491
Armor: 30,471 30,577
Damage: 8,589 8,699
HP: 54,268 54,502
Gold: 250 350


Piercing Strike: 30 50
Reinforced Armor: 40 50
Critical Hit: 45 60
Breaker: 30 40


Skremon Armor
Skremon Helmet


Ozanak Caves (Stillwater Depths)

Hunting Information

  Attack Defense Armor 1 Hit Dam. 2 Hit Dam. 3 Hit Dam. 4 Hit Dam. 5 Hit Dam. 6 Hit Dam.
Stats to Beat: 491 5,797 8,699 85,079 57,828 48,745 44,203 41,478 39,661
Target Stats: 543 6,408 9,616 92,439 62,319 52,278 47,258 44,246 42,238