Tayarog Bone Wolf

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The Bone wolf is a vicious predator of this desolate area. These animals hunt in small packs and have powerful jaws that can break bones in one bite, letting them get to the tasty marrow within that is their favourite meal.


Name: Tayarog Bone Wolf
Class: Canine
Level: 1830


XP: 12,534 12,570
Attack: 24,508 24,560
Defense: 1,319 1,511
Armor: 431 613
Damage: 25,696 25,838
HP: 72,997 73,275
Gold: 195 205





Tayarog Valley (Wolf Den)
Tayarog Valley (Golem Haunt)

Hunting Information

  Attack Defense Armor 1 Hit Dam. 2 Hit Dam. 3 Hit Dam. 4 Hit Dam. 5 Hit Dam. 6 Hit Dam.
Stats to Beat: 1,511 24,560 25,838 73,888 37,251 25,038 18,932 15,268 12,826
Target Stats: 1,671 27,147 28,559 81,637 41,141 27,643 20,894 16,844 14,144