Swamp Elemental

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Swamp Elementals instinctively protect the swamp from harm. The are the white blood cells of the Nimaos Swamps and will die protecting this place.


Name: Swamp Elemental
Class: Golem
Level: 255


XP: 769 771
Attack: 898 1,084
Defense: 981 1,089
Armor: 1,003 1,197
Damage: 1,453 1,521
HP: 5,275 5,801
Gold: 237 273


Piercing Strike: 10 15
Reinforced Armor: 20 30
Breaker: 20 30


Gloves of Liwoak
Helmet of Barathel
Ring of Ignoal
Rune of Nethali
Shield of Pontoon
Weapon of Doral


Nimaos (South)

Hunting Information

  Attack Defense Armor 1 Hit Dam. 2 Hit Dam. 3 Hit Dam. 4 Hit Dam. 5 Hit Dam. 6 Hit Dam.
Stats to Beat: 1,089 1,084 1,521 6,998 4,098 3,131 2,648 2,358 2,164
Target Stats: 1,204 1,199 1,682 7,673 4,467 3,398 2,864 2,543 2,330