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This serpent normally slithers through the dense jungle undergrowth when hunting, however it is capable of limited flight thanks to its thin membrane wings that it uses to help launch itself at prey or away from danger. The Snakefly often creates its habitat deep beneath the ground of the jungle where it is safer to lay its eggs.


Name: Snakefly
Class: Reptile
Level: 731


XP: 2,562 2,572
Attack: 6,574 6,702
Defense: 1,696 1,832
Armor: 2,061 2,149
Damage: 4,981 5,103
HP: 15,224 15,878
Gold: 272 328


Critical Hit: 10 20
Dodge: 10 20


Gloves of Moraig
Helmet of Forghala
Rune of Derinla
Shield of Veraal


Huirvast Jungle (Outer)
Huirvast Jungle (Thicket)

Hunting Information

  Attack Defense Armor 1 Hit Dam. 2 Hit Dam. 3 Hit Dam. 4 Hit Dam. 5 Hit Dam. 6 Hit Dam.
Stats to Beat: 1,832 6,702 5,103 18,027 10,088 7,442 6,119 5,325 4,796
Target Stats: 2,025 7,408 5,641 19,813 11,038 8,113 6,651 5,773 5,188