Root Pooka

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Revision as of 19:08, 12 October 2009 by Rebornjedi (Talk | contribs)

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Deep in the caverns of the Maw live magical creatures called the Root Pookas. They are immune to the necromantic magics of Dagoresh but have been enslaved by him and work as his tunnel builders and as warriors in times when they are needed.


Name: Root Pooka
Class: Plant
Level: 350


XP: 0 0
Attack: 952 978
Defense: 2,547 2,668
Armor: 1,254 1,318
Damage: 2,200 2,238
HP: 6,892 7,123
Gold: 292 305


Reinforced Armor: 18 20
Breaker: 10 14
Dodge: 5 13




Maw of Dagoresh

Hunting Information

  Attack Defense Armor 1 Hit Dam. 2 Hit Dam. 3 Hit Dam. 4 Hit Dam. 5 Hit Dam. 6 Hit Dam.
Stats to Beat: 2,668 978 2,238 8,441 4,880 3,693 3,099 2,743 2,506
Target Stats: 2,949 1,081 2,474 9,261 5,325 4,013 3,357 2,963 2,701