Ring Necked Seagull

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Ring Necked Seagulls nest on the Rock of Dor and are a nuisance to any ships like the Barnacle Bandit that come into the area as the Seagulls swoop in to scrounge from the ship.


Name: Ring Necked Seagull
Class: Avian
Level: 932


XP: 3,179 3,361
Attack: 4,588 4,710
Defense: 2,110 2,178
Armor: 2,559 2,731
Damage: 10,252 10,410
HP: 19,603 19,941
Gold: 299 301


Piercing Strike: 10 25
Breaker: 10 25



Barnacle Bandit (Mast)
Barnacle Bandit (Forecastle)
Barnacle Bandit (Poop Deck)
Barnacle Bandit (Main Deck)

Hunting Information

  Attack Defense Armor 1 Hit Dam. 2 Hit Dam. 3 Hit Dam. 4 Hit Dam. 5 Hit Dam. 6 Hit Dam.
Stats to Beat: 2,178 4,710 10,410 22,672 12,702 9,378 7,717 6,720 6,055
Target Stats: 2,408 5,206 11,507 24,917 13,897 10,223 8,386 7,284 6,550