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The Ngani are giant storm birds that live within the very tempest itself. The Ngani crackle with raw power collected from lightning. The Nagani are capable of shooting forked lightning bolts from their mouths, which they use to stun or even kill anything they wish to become their next meal.


Name: Ngani
Class: Avian
Level: 1367


XP: 6,962 7,044
Attack: 8,090 8,206
Defense: 8,423 8,615
Armor: 8,103 8,193
Damage: 10,058 10,256
HP: 41,773 42,167
Gold: 277 323


Piercing Strike: 50 60
First Strike: 30 40


Ngani Arcing Feathers
Ngani Blazing Eye
Ngani Sparking Tongue


Eye Island (Storm Shores)

Hunting Information

  Attack Defense Armor 1 Hit Dam. 2 Hit Dam. 3 Hit Dam. 4 Hit Dam. 5 Hit Dam. 6 Hit Dam.
Stats to Beat: 8,615 8,206 10,256 50,360 29,277 22,249 18,735 16,627 15,221
Target Stats: 9,523 9,071 11,336 55,235 31,931 24,163 20,280 17,949 16,396