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The notorious gang, The Lao Xan Mad Musket men come from the upper class of Lao Xan and their schooling with the artisans and universities in the city has given them access to new weapons and technologies. Their favourite of these new weapons is the Musket. The Mad Musket men take these weapons to the streets, terrorising the poor and homeless for their brutal sport.


Name: Lao Xan Mad Musket man
Class: Human
Level: 550


Attack: 3,377 3,429
Defense: 1,069 1,204
Armor: 1,337 1,491
Damage: 4,975 5,163
HP: 10,752 11,290
Gold: 300 300


Piercing Strike: 18 20
Critical Hit: 15 20


Armor of Darthom
Gloves of Ollerbary
Hammer of Gustav
Rune of Irrish
Shield of Canarol


Lao Xan City (Artisan)

Hunting Information

  Attack Defense Armor 1 Hit Dam. 2 Hit Dam. 3 Hit Dam. 4 Hit Dam. 5 Hit Dam. 6 Hit Dam.
Stats to Beat: 1,204 3,429 5,163 12,781 7,136 5,255 4,314 3,749 3,373
Target Stats: 1,331 3,791 5,707 14,049 7,810 5,730 4,690 4,066 3,650