Labyrinth Spider

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Labyrinth Spiders have lived in the passages that they have evolved to live here and have grown long legs that allow them to scuttle around the walls in the dark quickly. They are slightly venomous but generally rely on catching their prey in large webs they spin over the pathways.


Name: Labyrinth Spider
Class: Vermin
Level: 1265


XP: 5,977 6,017
Attack: 15,129 15,195
Defense: 690 814
Armor: 271 377
Damage: 16,105 16,265
HP: 38,778 39,042
Gold: 286 314


Piercing Strike: 9 20
Reinforced Armor: 10 30
Thievery: 1 10
Critical Hit: 8 20
Breaker: 1 10
Nullify: 1 10


Daedus Spider Husk
Daedus Spider Leg
Quintarghs Hat
Thernbergs Armor


Daedus Labyrinth (Corridors)
Daedus Labyrinth (Halls)

Hunting Information

  Attack Defense Armor 1 Hit Dam. 2 Hit Dam. 3 Hit Dam. 4 Hit Dam. 5 Hit Dam. 6 Hit Dam.
Stats to Beat: 814 15,195 16,265 39,419 19,898 13,391 10,138 8,186 6,884
Target Stats: 900 16,796 17,978 43,551 21,974 14,782 11,186 9,028 7,590