Ironscale Wyvern

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Ironscale Wyvern make their homes within the forests on the Island. These brutal beasts have scales so strong all but the strongest attacks will pierce their hides and suits made from their scales are much sought after, although acquiring the hide of a Ironscale Wyvern is a very dangerous task indeed.


Name: Ironscale Wyvern
Class: Dragon
Level: 1065


XP: 3,620 3,852
Attack: 8,843 8,909
Defense: 2,532 2,692
Armor: 3,345 3,441
Damage: 8,763 8,929
HP: 23,420 24,040
Gold: 298 302





Ranulfr Woods (Clearing)

Hunting Information

  Attack Defense Armor 1 Hit Dam. 2 Hit Dam. 3 Hit Dam. 4 Hit Dam. 5 Hit Dam. 6 Hit Dam.
Stats to Beat: 2,692 8,909 8,929 27,481 15,461 11,455 9,451 8,249 7,448
Target Stats: 2,976 9,848 9,870 30,195 16,910 12,481 10,267 8,938 8,052