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The Hakulaq are sinuous, mermaid-like creatures. They differ from the usual mer-folk however, as Hakulaq are half eel and quite hideous to look upon. These beings are scavengers of ship wrecks, where they search for things to eat. Although scavengers, these slimy creatures will attack those they think they can surprise or overpower.


Name: Hakulaq
Class: Aquatic
Level: 1366


XP: 6,766 7,220
Attack: 3,645 3,779
Defense: 23,277 23,375
Armor: 263 435
Damage: 7,470 7,654
HP: 41,774 42,106
Gold: 266 334


Piercing Strike: 20 30
Critical Hit: 20 30
First Strike: 30 40



Eye Island (Wreck Reef)
Eye Island (Storm Shores)

Hunting Information

  Attack Defense Armor 1 Hit Dam. 2 Hit Dam. 3 Hit Dam. 4 Hit Dam. 5 Hit Dam. 6 Hit Dam.
Stats to Beat: 23,375 3,779 7,654 42,541 21,488 14,471 10,962 8,857 7,453
Target Stats: 25,837 4,177 8,460 46,998 23,728 15,972 12,093 9,767 8,215