Guild:The Forlorn Hope

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The Forlorn Hope
Founded: 2006 ?
Founder: wileysez
Leaders: wileysez
Allies: Coming soon
Enemies: N/A
Embracing: {{{recruits}}}
Webpage: The Forlorn Hope


The Forlorn Hope

Into the breach once more, my friends!

Who are we?

We are The Forlorn Hope. A group of friends who have banded together from other games into an elite fighting unit. Be it demons, devils, orcs, zombies, mancubus or the HaVoC caused by cheaters, we stand strong and united. We are a fun, easy-going group.


Forlorn hope is a military term that comes from the Dutch verloren hoop, which should be translated as ‘lost troop’ although in Dutch it can also mean ‘lost hope’. In the days of muzzle-loading muskets it was most frequently used to refer to the first wave of soldiers attacking a breach in defenses during a siege. It was likely that most members of the forlorn hope would be killed or injured. The intention was that some would survive long enough to seize a foothold that could be reinforced, or at least that a second wave with better prospects could be sent in while the defenders were reloading or engaged in mopping up the remnants of the first wave.


More coming soon!