Gelorath Necral

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The Necral were an ancient tribe that lived in the mountains, dabbling in dark magic and worshipped evil gods. Their gods cared little for them and eventually this evil tribe died out, leaving little but their frozen corpses buried in the caves. However, saturated in dark magic these corpses have a habit of returning from the dead, carrying their ancient bronze weapons and seeking out the living.


Name: Gelorath Necral
Class: Undead
Level: 1768


XP: 11,479 11,953
Attack: 36,096 36,198
Defense: 457 553
Armor: 464 546
Damage: 33,092 33,196
HP: 13,880 14,404
Gold: 185 215


Reinforced Armor: 20 40



Gelorath Caverns (Rot)
Gelorath Caverns (Reptile Hide)

Hunting Information

  Attack Defense Armor 1 Hit Dam. 2 Hit Dam. 3 Hit Dam. 4 Hit Dam. 5 Hit Dam. 6 Hit Dam.
Stats to Beat: 553 36,198 33,196 14,950 7,748 5,348 4,147 3,427 2,947
Target Stats: 612 40,010 36,692 16,496 8,536 5,882 4,556 3,760 3,229