Black Slogath

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The Black Slogath are huge goat like monsters that live upon the Ice Glacier of Bidlect. The people of Bidlect fear the Black Slogoth, often calling it the ice shadow mouth in their own local language, for they are the Slogaths favoured prey and attacks upon the town of Caruftun are regular occurrences.


Name: Black Slogath
Class: Beast
Level: 1471


XP: 8,029 8,189
Attack: 17,059 17,121
Defense: 824 982
Armor: 304 446
Damage: 19,173 19,235
HP: 44,811 45,369
Gold: 284 316


Piercing Strike: 20 50
Critical Hit: 20 50


Genorts Shield
Quoothian Amulet


Bidlect Glacier (Shelf)
Bidlect Glacier (Plateau)

Hunting Information

  Attack Defense Armor 1 Hit Dam. 2 Hit Dam. 3 Hit Dam. 4 Hit Dam. 5 Hit Dam. 6 Hit Dam.
Stats to Beat: 982 17,121 19,235 45,815 23,131 15,569 11,789 9,520 8,008
Target Stats: 1,086 18,924 21,261 50,616 25,543 17,186 13,007 10,499 8,828