Azuzu of the Fold

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When Azuzulings mature from power they become known as Azuzu of the Fold. The Fold is a secretive religion or way of life these demons form. Not much is known of the fold but it involves blood ceremonies deep in the Ziggurat and practices of human sacrifices. the reasons for these rituals is unknown but nothing good has ever come of demonic magic...


Name: Azuzu of the Fold
Class: Demon
Level: 1427


XP: 7,359 7,969
Attack: 8,579 8,693
Defense: 8,679 8,777
Armor: 8,851 8,955
Damage: 10,248 10,314
HP: 43,632 44,088
Gold: 284 316


Piercing Strike: 20 40
First Strike: 20 40


Hanfors Boots
Senmaks Shield


Blighted Ziggurat (Azuzu Haunt)
Blighted Ziggurat (Worship Level)

Hunting Information

  Attack Defense Armor 1 Hit Dam. 2 Hit Dam. 3 Hit Dam. 4 Hit Dam. 5 Hit Dam. 6 Hit Dam.
Stats to Beat: 8,777 8,693 10,314 53,043 30,999 23,651 19,977 17,773 16,303
Target Stats: 9,702 9,609 11,401 58,161 33,795 25,674 21,613 19,176 17,552