Avatar of Glykek (Elite)

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The Avatar of Glykek was built from stone by the Priests of Za and inscribed with the rune of Glykek the Deathly Slayer. After many sacrifices and spilt blood Glykek himself has begun to animate the Avatar, living once again in the mortal world. Glykek still hasn’t fully materialised however and is still weak, but its only a matter of time before he is ready to be unleashed upon the Trun and then the world...


Name: Avatar of Glykek (Elite)
Class: Golem
Rarity: Elite
Level: 1080


XP: 6,420 6,590
Attack: 23,367 23,557
Defense: 10,568 10,760
Armor: 11,723 11,853
Damage: 35,015 35,153
HP: 80,738 81,262
Gold: 263 337


Reinforced Armor: 30 35
Dodge: 35 45
Disarm: 35 40


Avatar of Glykek Helmet
Avatar of Glykek Pendant
Avatar of Glykek Rune


Glykeks Sanctum (Pit)

Hunting Information

  Attack Defense Armor 1 Hit Dam. 2 Hit Dam. 3 Hit Dam. 4 Hit Dam. 5 Hit Dam. 6 Hit Dam.
Stats to Beat: 10,760 23,557 35,153 93,115 52,484 38,941 32,169 28,106 25,397
Target Stats: 11,894 26,038 38,855 102,301 57,391 42,421 34,936 30,445 27,452