White Lightning Knight

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The very best of the Order of White Lightning are their chivalrous Knights. These knights live by the sword and only the finest warriors may ever join their ranks. They wear splendid plate adorned with the symbols of their order and ride to battle upon barded steeds. It is said that to receive a charge from these knights in war is to be hit by a lightning bolt of steel.


Name: White Lightning Knight
Class: Mounted
Level: 1312


XP: 6,182 6,720
Attack: 4,287 4,403
Defense: 310 362
Armor: 21,519 21,715
Damage: 7,225 7,375
HP: 40,103 40,537
Gold: 256 344


Piercing Strike: 16 22
Reinforced Armor: 22 30
Critical Hit: 32 48


Lightning Regimental Seal
Lightning Regimental Tally


Taruson Wood (Snarl)

Hunting Information

  Attack Defense Armor 1 Hit Dam. 2 Hit Dam. 3 Hit Dam. 4 Hit Dam. 5 Hit Dam. 6 Hit Dam.
Stats to Beat: 362 4,403 7,375 62,252 41,984 35,228 31,850 29,823 28,472
Target Stats: 401 4,867 8,152 67,672 45,269 37,802 34,068 31,828 30,334