Swordsman of Krolan

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Not much is known of the Krolan other than they were men of great evil that in ages past made a pact with the Dreadlord. The Krolan still serve him even in undeath, their skill with their swords has never diminished with the pass of time.


Name: Swordsman of Krolan
Class: Undead
Level: 982


XP: 3,297 3,593
Attack: 4,909 4,995
Defense: 2,438 2,508
Armor: 2,096 2,278
Damage: 11,112 11,304
HP: 20,711 20,933
Gold: 271 329


Dodge: 10 20
Disarm: 10 20


Amulet of Foperah
Boots of Dealke
Rune of Delaka
Shield of Nofale


Mount Volmar (Halls)

Hunting Information

  Attack Defense Armor 1 Hit Dam. 2 Hit Dam. 3 Hit Dam. 4 Hit Dam. 5 Hit Dam. 6 Hit Dam.
Stats to Beat: 2,508 4,995 11,304 23,211 12,745 9,256 7,512 6,465 5,767
Target Stats: 2,773 5,521 12,495 25,536 13,968 10,112 8,184 7,027 6,255