Riangi Dwarf Charger (Champion)

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The Riangi Dwarf Charger Champions are the evil leaders of regiments of Riangi Dwarf Chargers. These Dwarves are armed with huge re-enforced shields that they use to bash into their enemies with bone cracking force, and that\'s even before they attack with their battle axes.


Name: Riangi Dwarf Charger (Champion)
Class: Dwarf
Rarity: Champion
Level: 917


XP: 4,356 4,830
Attack: 6,263 6,373
Defense: 3,986 4,164
Armor: 3,364 3,510
Damage: 14,768 14,922
HP: 28,384 28,970
Gold: 247 353


Piercing Strike: 30 40
Breaker: 30 40
Dodge: 30 40
Disarm: 30 40


Boots of Terahie
Rune of Poetal


Elriak Depths (Cavern)

Hunting Information

  Attack Defense Armor 1 Hit Dam. 2 Hit Dam. 3 Hit Dam. 4 Hit Dam. 5 Hit Dam. 6 Hit Dam.
Stats to Beat: 4,164 6,373 14,922 32,480 17,995 13,167 10,753 9,304 8,339
Target Stats: 4,603 7,045 16,494 35,717 19,707 14,370 11,702 10,101 9,033