Queen Pteron (Elite)

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The beast know as the Queen Pteron resides deep in the caves. The Queen controls all the Dark Petrons and obey here every command. She however is not a weak creature and can easly destroy enemies who try and kill her.


Name: Queen Pteron (Elite)
Class: Avian
Rarity: Elite
Level: 355


XP: 1,579 1,655
Attack: 4,584 4,720
Defense: 4,992 5,088
Armor: 6,645 6,807
Damage: 6,568 6,740
HP: 22,810 23,340
Gold: 252 348


Piercing Strike: 15 40
Reinforced Armor: 12 30
Critical Hit: 13 20
Breaker: 13 20
Dodge: 15 25


Highborn Armor
Highborn Battle Hammer
Highborn Helmet


Nuzron Caves

Hunting Information

  Attack Defense Armor 1 Hit Dam. 2 Hit Dam. 3 Hit Dam. 4 Hit Dam. 5 Hit Dam. 6 Hit Dam.
Stats to Beat: 5,088 4,720 6,740 30,147 18,477 14,587 12,642 11,475 10,697
Target Stats: 5,624 5,218 7,450 32,966 20,067 15,768 13,618 12,328 11,468