Leaping Solifuge

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This area of the island is the haunt of many kinds of hideous Giant Solifuge. The Leaping Solifuge is the stuff of nightmares. With built up back legs made for jumping these multi limbed fanged arachnids ambush their prey in a devastating leaping attack.


Name: Leaping Solifuge
Class: Vermin
Level: 1441


XP: 7,579 7,985
Attack: 16,631 16,705
Defense: 630 766
Armor: 271 465
Damage: 19,056 19,122
HP: 43,919 44,461
Gold: 288 312


Piercing Strike: 10 20
Critical Hit: 10 20
First Strike: 40 60


Gauntlets of Benthor
Helm of Gernath


Blotaceous Island (Spider Haunt)
Blotaceous Island (Hunting Grounds)

Hunting Information

  Attack Defense Armor 1 Hit Dam. 2 Hit Dam. 3 Hit Dam. 4 Hit Dam. 5 Hit Dam. 6 Hit Dam.
Stats to Beat: 766 16,705 19,122 44,926 22,696 15,286 11,581 9,358 7,876
Target Stats: 847 18,465 21,136 49,633 25,062 16,871 12,776 10,319 8,681