Jorogumo (Legendary)

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Ambox_content.png This is a Legendary Creature
Legendary creatures are only available for hunting during Legendary Events. During a Legendary Event, the available creatures and the areas/caves they currently inhabit are posted on the home page.
This creature is not normally available.



Jorogumo is a wicked creature, a mix of spider and woman that is full of hate and knows only evil. She was thought destroyed in the battle of Axium on the island of Jxi. This was a foolish assumption. Jorogumo has not only survived but has grown in power and is now rampaging through the lands massacring as she goes.


Name: Jorogumo (Legendary)
Class: Beast
Rarity: Legendary
Level: 500


XP: 1,753 1,763
Attack: 1,696 1,790
Defense: 3,131 3,313
Armor: 3,320 3,388
Damage: 2,649 2,811
HP: 29,925 31,175
Gold: 218 382


Piercing Strike: 25 50
Critical Hit: 30 50
Dodge: 30 40
Hypnotize: 90 100


Jorogumo Jeweled Circlet
Jorogumo Silken Ward
Jorogumos Bite
Jorogumos Minion


Forest of Ral (Fence)
Forest of Ral (Path)
Forest of Ral (Ancient Grove)
Ral Faun Camp
Forest of Ral (River)

Hunting Information

  Attack Defense Armor 1 Hit Dam. 2 Hit Dam. 3 Hit Dam. 4 Hit Dam. 5 Hit Dam. 6 Hit Dam.
Stats to Beat: 3,313 1,790 2,811 34,563 18,976 13,780 11,182 9,623 8,584
Target Stats: 3,662 1,979 3,107 38,026 20,797 15,054 12,182 10,460 9,311