Greater Boar

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The Jungle of old held many animals, now only the Greater Boar can survive in this desolate realm. The huge tusks can easly gore a fully grown Orc in seconds.


Name: Greater Boar
Class: Beast
Level: 382


XP: 1,094 1,208
Attack: 1,852 1,960
Defense: 1,653 1,729
Armor: 2,416 2,532
Damage: 1,534 1,650
HP: 9,074 9,322
Gold: 283 317


Piercing Strike: 9 15
Reinforced Armor: 2 10
Breaker: 1 15


Armor of GuzTakKull
Ring of KazGarKor
Shield of KurQulRuk
Glave of PuzVash


Wasteland (West)
Wasteland (East)

Hunting Information

  Attack Defense Armor 1 Hit Dam. 2 Hit Dam. 3 Hit Dam. 4 Hit Dam. 5 Hit Dam. 6 Hit Dam.
Stats to Beat: 1,729 1,960 1,650 11,854 7,193 5,640 4,863 4,397 4,086
Target Stats: 1,912 2,167 1,824 12,970 7,818 6,101 5,243 4,727 4,384