Great Erymain

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The Great Erymain constantly snuffle around the plains for roots and grubs to eat. However these giant Boars lust for human flesh. If ever they sniff man upon the air they become frenzied and will hunt down and devour every last piece of any human they find.


Name: Great Erymain
Class: Beast
Level: 1325


XP: 6,204 6,954
Attack: 4,436 4,616
Defense: 22,122 22,280
Armor: 264 414
Damage: 6,816 6,898
HP: 40,596 40,824
Gold: 257 343


Piercing Strike: 10 27
Reinforced Armor: 17 32
Critical Hit: 18 31
Breaker: 7 10


Bloody Erymain Tusk
Cavernous Erymain Stomach
Erymain Snout
Erymain Trotters
Farnoths Rune
Jeweled Band of Gornathia
Slavering Erymain Tongue


Pelopon Gloomvale (Tableland)

Hunting Information

  Attack Defense Armor 1 Hit Dam. 2 Hit Dam. 3 Hit Dam. 4 Hit Dam. 5 Hit Dam. 6 Hit Dam.
Stats to Beat: 22,280 4,616 6,898 41,238 20,826 14,022 10,620 8,579 7,218
Target Stats: 24,627 5,103 7,625 45,559 22,998 15,477 11,717 9,461 7,957