Gotra Gotra (Elite)

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Gotra Gotra is the god of the Scragorn. In reality however he is little more than a well fed pet, albeit a very large and carnivorous pet. Gotra Gotra is possibly the last of his kind, a large beast that is akin to the giant reptiles from aeons past. He hunts the cracked land between the forests, looking for any who might have got trapped here or fallen down, but always returns to the sacrificial drops for feeding time.


Name: Gotra Gotra (Elite)
Class: Reptile
Rarity: Elite
Level: 1540


XP: 29,563 32,653
Attack: 57,734 57,922
Defense: 3,182 3,314
Armor: 1,202 1,262
Damage: 60,843 60,939
HP: 147,619 148,061
Gold: 218 382


Piercing Strike: 20 50
Reinforced Armor: 20 50
Critical Hit: 20 50
Breaker: 20 50
Nullify: 20 50
First Strike: 20 50


Gotra Skull Helm
Gotra Skull Shield


Gotra Grove (Haunt of Gotra Gotra)

Hunting Information

  Attack Defense Armor 1 Hit Dam. 2 Hit Dam. 3 Hit Dam. 4 Hit Dam. 5 Hit Dam. 6 Hit Dam.
Stats to Beat: 3,314 57,922 60,939 149,323 75,293 50,616 38,278 30,875 25,939
Target Stats: 3,663 64,022 67,356 164,981 83,155 55,880 42,242 34,060 28,605