Flying Piranha

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The Vapon river is home to the deadly Flying Piranhas. Not capable of true flight, these carnivorous fish have large fins that allow them to soar through the air if they jump out the water. They have learned to soar out onto the shore of the river after prey, and after the kill and a quick feast they flop back into water.


Name: Flying Piranha
Class: Aquatic
Level: 1245


XP: 5,624 5,992
Attack: 13,747 13,797
Defense: 796 850
Armor: 280 358
Damage: 16,949 17,069
HP: 38,134 38,486
Gold: 263 337


Critical Hit: 20 50
First Strike: 20 50



Vipesh Sands

Hunting Information

  Attack Defense Armor 1 Hit Dam. 2 Hit Dam. 3 Hit Dam. 4 Hit Dam. 5 Hit Dam. 6 Hit Dam.
Stats to Beat: 850 13,797 17,069 38,844 19,601 13,187 9,980 8,056 6,773
Target Stats: 940 15,250 18,867 42,916 21,647 14,557 11,012 8,885 7,467