Ergar Hell Bound

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The Ergar Hell Bound are elite warriors and the guards of the Lords of Zator. These hand picked warriors all wear hellion armor. This armor is created by the Ergar Alchemists and ripples with a form of intelligence. It seems to be able to guide the wearer away from harm and can in short periods of time heal itself. Some doubt whether the Dwarfs who wear it are even in control of themselves now...


Name: Ergar Hell Bound
Class: Dwarf
Level: 1550


XP: 8,687 9,321
Attack: 9,293 9,355
Defense: 9,601 9,763
Armor: 9,214 9,380
Damage: 11,171 11,319
HP: 47,336 47,584
Gold: 256 344


Piercing Strike: 20 50
Dodge: 20 50



Dark Fortress of Zator (Armory)
Dark Fortress of Zator (Inner Chambers)

Hunting Information

  Attack Defense Armor 1 Hit Dam. 2 Hit Dam. 3 Hit Dam. 4 Hit Dam. 5 Hit Dam. 6 Hit Dam.
Stats to Beat: 9,763 9,355 11,319 56,964 33,172 25,242 21,276 18,897 17,311
Target Stats: 10,792 10,341 12,511 62,472 36,175 27,409 23,026 20,397 18,643