Dread Claw Sea Serpent

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This gigantic beast hunts the depths of the Dread Claw Sea. Though the adolescent serpents are known to snatch it's prey from beaches and coastal areas.


Name: Dread Claw Sea Serpent
Class: Reptile
Level: 469


XP: 1,306 1,518
Attack: 2,617 2,809
Defense: 2,336 2,500
Armor: 2,906 3,008
Damage: 1,234 1,398
HP: 9,251 9,559
Gold: 277 323


Piercing Strike: 15 20
Reinforced Armor: 16 20


Amulet of Paskin
Armor of Javon
Boots of Saryith
Dagger of Dran
Gloves of Trazdess
Helmet of Giznok
Ring of Irith
Rune of Exnoll
Serpent Saber Tooth
Shield of Mirphall


Icebelt Edge (Upper)
Icebelt Edge (Lower)

Hunting Information

  Attack Defense Armor 1 Hit Dam. 2 Hit Dam. 3 Hit Dam. 4 Hit Dam. 5 Hit Dam. 6 Hit Dam.
Stats to Beat: 2,500 2,809 1,398 12,567 7,788 6,195 5,398 4,920 4,602
Target Stats: 2,764 3,105 1,546 13,733 8,451 6,690 5,809 5,281 4,929