Dragon Claw Monk

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Monks from the Dragon Claw temple use the wushu fighting form of the Claw. This form of wushu fighting utilises a combination of acrobatic skill and razor sharp fighting claws that the monks use with deadly force in a fight.


Name: Dragon Claw Monk
Class: Human
Level: 541


XP: 1,897 1,907
Attack: 1,749 1,919
Defense: 2,435 2,563
Armor: 3,111 3,177
Damage: 3,342 3,392
HP: 10,507 11,183
Gold: 274 326


Piercing Strike: 25 30
Critical Hit: 5 10


Amulet of Ithall
Fighting Claw
Gloves of Storvin
Helmet of Okdor
Pick of Apolin


Hai Jing Mountains (Summit)
Hai Jing Mountains (Slope)

Hunting Information

  Attack Defense Armor 1 Hit Dam. 2 Hit Dam. 3 Hit Dam. 4 Hit Dam. 5 Hit Dam. 6 Hit Dam.
Stats to Beat: 2,563 1,919 3,392 14,360 8,769 6,905 5,973 5,414 5,041
Target Stats: 2,833 2,122 3,750 15,706 9,526 7,466 6,436 5,818 5,406