Dinosauroid Bezerker

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Dinosauroid Bezerkers are insanely savage reptilian creatures. They are sightly more inteligent than their Ponea cousins and have mastered steel making and use it in creating wicked weapons to fight with.


Name: Dinosauroid Bezerker
Class: Reptile
Level: 332


XP: 989 1,013
Attack: 1,549 1,713
Defense: 606 750
Armor: 750 858
Damage: 2,827 2,947
HP: 5,750 6,252
Gold: 258 342


Critical Hit: 15 18
Dodge: 10 15


Amulet of Appelair
Armor of Oathale
Blade of Ezealra
Boots of Airthtale
Gloves of Arbanteil
Helmet of Visroth
Ring of Crelidar
Rune of Retuthar
Shield of Kassrel


Aeresi (South)

Hunting Information

  Attack Defense Armor 1 Hit Dam. 2 Hit Dam. 3 Hit Dam. 4 Hit Dam. 5 Hit Dam. 6 Hit Dam.
Stats to Beat: 750 1,713 2,947 7,110 3,984 2,942 2,421 2,109 1,900
Target Stats: 829 1,894 3,258 7,814 4,359 3,207 2,632 2,286 2,056