Devotee of the Holder

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The Silent Holder is the custodian of the Old One's most sacred knowledge. As one of the most majestic of the True Gods. The Silent Holder gifts her followers with potent wisdom and truths giving her powerful followers that befits her station.


Name: Devotee of the Holder
Class: Demon
Level: 1579


XP: 8,816 9,872
Attack: 17,608 17,758
Defense: 400 490
Armor: 358 446
Damage: 21,684 21,802
HP: 48,148 48,512
Gold: 280 320


Piercing Strike: 35 44
Critical Hit: 14 25
Breaker: 27 31


Bundle of Parchment
Sacred Glyphs
Shield of Terrak


Greenvale (Library)

Hunting Information

  Attack Defense Armor 1 Hit Dam. 2 Hit Dam. 3 Hit Dam. 4 Hit Dam. 5 Hit Dam. 6 Hit Dam.
Stats to Beat: 490 17,758 21,802 48,958 24,702 16,617 12,574 10,149 8,532
Target Stats: 542 19,628 24,098 54,090 27,280 18,344 13,875 11,194 9,407