Denarath Grey Man

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The Grey Men are huge shambling beasts covered in grey hair that live in the lower reaches of the Denarath Mountains. They rarely venture to the lower plains but when they do it is often in the search for fresh meat.


Name: Denarath Grey Man
Class: Beast
Level: 1816


XP: 11,587 13,135
Attack: 8,918 9,042
Defense: 16,031 16,185
Armor: 15,683 15,865
Damage: 10,920 11,046
HP: 72,246 72,928
Gold: 179 221


Piercing Strike: 30 50
Critical Hit: 30 50



Denarath Mountains (Scree)
Denarath Mountains (Edge)

Hunting Information

  Attack Defense Armor 1 Hit Dam. 2 Hit Dam. 3 Hit Dam. 4 Hit Dam. 5 Hit Dam. 6 Hit Dam.
Stats to Beat: 16,185 9,042 11,046 88,793 52,329 40,175 34,097 30,451 28,020
Target Stats: 17,890 9,995 12,210 97,314 57,010 43,575 36,858 32,828 30,141