Cucu Cyanide Hero (Legendary)

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A former bardic troupe leader who poisons his victims with tormenting sounds from his supernatural lute, while shielding himself with his long hair. His disposable guise (long hair, hide jacket and fake lute) makes him untraceable. However, he must be found and stopped... who will put an end to his torturous sounds?

Designed by: cucubaubau


Name: Cucu Cyanide Hero (Legendary)
Class: Human
Rarity: Legendary
Level: 1350


XP: 2,098 2,404
Attack: 16,132 16,226
Defense: 437 523
Armor: 309 373
Damage: 17,081 17,215
HP: 40,691 41,269
Gold: 264 336


Piercing Strike: 100 100
Thievery: 100 100
Critical Hit: 100 100
Breaker: 100 100
Disarm: 100 100
First Strike: 100 100
Hypnotize: 100 100


Disposable Leather Jerkin
Disposable Long Hair
Disposable Lute


Drac Ruins (Outskirts)
Ydmar Castle (Fortress)
Jordo City (Streets)
Myral Peak (Icebound Tunnels)
Ozanak Dungeon (Treasure Rooms)

Hunting Information

  Attack Defense Armor 1 Hit Dam. 2 Hit Dam. 3 Hit Dam. 4 Hit Dam. 5 Hit Dam. 6 Hit Dam.
Stats to Beat: 523 16,226 17,215 41,642 21,008 14,130 10,691 8,627 7,252
Target Stats: 579 17,935 19,028 46,008 23,201 15,598 11,797 9,516 7,996