Chara Dol Wight

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The Chara Dol Wights are ancient undead warriors that were said to haunt the Pass of the Fallen long before the bastion was built. some legends speak that these vile creatures used their dark magic to enslave the men at Chara Dol to their will.


Name: Chara Dol Wight
Class: Undead
Level: 873


XP: 3,059 3,069
Attack: 4,951 5,051
Defense: 1,648 1,762
Armor: 7,137 7,279
Damage: 4,578 4,656
HP: 22,016 22,462
Gold: 277 323


Dodge: 10 20
Disarm: 10 20


Amulet of Ofghera
Helmet of Thoaser


Pass of the Fallen (Slopes)

Hunting Information

  Attack Defense Armor 1 Hit Dam. 2 Hit Dam. 3 Hit Dam. 4 Hit Dam. 5 Hit Dam. 6 Hit Dam.
Stats to Beat: 1,762 5,051 4,656 29,741 18,510 14,767 12,895 11,772 11,023
Target Stats: 1,948 5,583 5,147 32,493 20,079 15,941 13,872 12,631 11,803