Carpabeast Mage

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The Carpabeast Mage is in tune with wild arcane energies that seep into the world from the Shroud. They are as talented as they are unpredictable. Travellers should not underestimate them.


Name: Carpabeast Mage
Class: Beast
Level: 480


XP: 1,384 1,506
Attack: 4,142 4,202
Defense: 1,244 1,300
Armor: 1,262 1,338
Damage: 2,839 2,917
HP: 9,477 9,773
Gold: 265 335


Reinforced Armor: 1 10
Critical Hit: 1 10
Nullify: 18 20


Attunement Gem
Boots of Jore
Gloves of Qullgon
Shield of Akdor


Wastes of Kruz (Crevasse)

Hunting Information

  Attack Defense Armor 1 Hit Dam. 2 Hit Dam. 3 Hit Dam. 4 Hit Dam. 5 Hit Dam. 6 Hit Dam.
Stats to Beat: 1,300 4,202 2,917 11,111 6,225 4,596 3,782 3,293 2,967
Target Stats: 1,437 4,645 3,225 12,212 6,810 5,010 4,110 3,570 3,210