Bheur Warrior

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The Bheur are a caste of Warrior Fay that seek to prove themselves in battle against foes who would see themselves more mighty than them. At around three foot high these diminutive warriors are not to be taken lightly and they can easily best even the most powerful of foes with their razor sharp Faymore Swords.


Name: Bheur Warrior
Class: Magical
Level: 1023


XP: 3,427 3,751
Attack: 4,763 4,959
Defense: 2,982 3,092
Armor: 2,826 2,980
Damage: 11,972 12,036
HP: 22,634 22,978
Gold: 264 336





Stoatin Forest (Meadow)
Stoatin Forest (Grove)

Hunting Information

  Attack Defense Armor 1 Hit Dam. 2 Hit Dam. 3 Hit Dam. 4 Hit Dam. 5 Hit Dam. 6 Hit Dam.
Stats to Beat: 3,092 4,959 12,036 25,958 14,469 10,640 8,725 7,576 6,810
Target Stats: 3,418 5,482 13,304 28,536 15,837 11,604 9,488 8,218 7,371