Screaming Skull

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Revision as of 06:16, 11 July 2010 by RedSadima (Talk | contribs)

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An angry spirit rages through the frozen halls of the Caverns of Khel. Through its rage it gains an unnatural strength and attacks anything it finds.


Name: Screaming Skull
Class: Undead
Level: 200


Attack: 1,228 1,324
Defense: 973 1,168
Armor: 984 1,072
Damage: 568 729
HP: 3,825 4,223
Gold: 214 214


Piercing Strike: 8 20
Reinforced Armor: 5 20
Critical Hit: 5 20
Nullify: 10 20


Helmet of Dort
Rune of Undeath
Frostmail Gloves
Flaming Ice Rune Recipe
Chunks of Ice


Caverns of Khel

Hunting Information

  Attack Defense Armor 1 Hit Dam. 2 Hit Dam. 3 Hit Dam. 4 Hit Dam. 5 Hit Dam. 6 Hit Dam.
Stats to Beat: 1,168 1,324 729 5,295 3,184 2,480 2,128 1,917 1,776
Target Stats: 1,291 1,464 806 5,797 3,463 2,685 2,296 2,063 1,907